Age: Heritage (<400 yrs)
Access: Public ~ Admission fees and opening times apply
Site Type: Woodland
Location: Strontian Community Woodlands, Strontian, Highlands PH36 4HZ
OS Map Grid: NM 817614
Coordinates: 56.694619, -5.566659

What is now Strontian Community Woodland was originally planted by the Riddell family in the early 1800’s. Soon after entering the woodland from the village a female twin-stemmed yew is found growing in a rather damp habitat.  A girth measurement was recorded as 286 cm @ 80 cm, the highest available point below the bifurcation (SYTHI 2021).

Access: Public ~ Admission fees and opening times apply
Age: Heritage (<400 yrs)
Site Type: Woodland
Location: Strontian Community Woodlands, Strontian, Highlands PH36 4HZ
OS Map Grid: NM 817614
Coordinates: 56.694619, -5.566659